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Reimagining Accessibility in Hotel Design

submitted on 8 August 2023 by

The Inevitable Inaccessibility of the Wheelchair

Imagine, if you will, a world where the very concept of the wheelchair was designed, not to provide greater accessibility and freedom for those with mobility limitations, but as a cunning and devious scheme to keep them perpetually trapped within the confines of their own homes. In this alternate universe, the wheelchair is an object of subjugation, an insidious device intended to hinder, rather than aid, their movement. This cruel reality is, of course, a fiction - and yet, as we traverse the landscape of hotel design, it sometimes feels as though this dystopian vision has been made manifest.

Doorways: A Portal to the Unknown

To begin our odyssey through the world of inaccessible hotel design, we must first breach the physical barriers that stand between us and the spaces within. The humble doorway, a seemingly innocuous portal through which we pass on a daily basis, becomes a veritable minefield for those reliant on mobility aids. Too narrow to accommodate the dimensions of a standard wheelchair, these portals of exclusion serve as a stark reminder that, in this realm, access is a privilege, not a right.And yet, how easily this situation could be remedied! A simple widening of the doorframe, accompanied by the removal of any protruding obstacles or unnecessary embellishments, would grant passage to those previously barred entry.

A Stairway to... Nowhere

Once within the establishment, the intrepid explorer may find themselves confronted with yet another insurmountable obstacle: the stairway. A seemingly innocuous feature, the staircase is often the only means of traversing the various levels of a hotel - a cruel irony for those unable to navigate its incline. In this realm, the humble elevator is a rare and elusive creature, a near-mythical beast sighted only in the most enlightened of establishments.Where elevators do exist, they are often hidden away in the nether regions of the hotel, accessed through a labyrinthine network of corridors and passageways designed to confound and disorient. The message is clear: those who dare to require assistance in their vertical journey are not welcome in the realm of the able-bodied.

Bathroom Battles: A Slippery Slope

Should the unwary traveler somehow manage to navigate the perilous terrain of doorways and staircases, they may find themselves drawn, moth-like, to the flickering flame of the bathroom. Here, in this most private and intimate of spaces, the true horror of inaccessible design reveals itself.The smooth, gleaming surfaces of the floor, so perfectly suited to the graceful glide of the able-bodied, become a slippery, treacherous expanse for those reliant on wheeled assistance. As they venture further, they may be dismayed to discover that the fixtures and fittings, so tantalizingly close, remain maddeningly out of reach.Again, how easily these issues could be resolved! A simple system of grab rails, strategically positioned for maximum utility, would provide the support required to navigate this hazardous terrain, while adjustable fixtures would allow for greater flexibility and adaptability. There is no need for this bathroom-based battleground; it is a conflict borne of thoughtlessness and apathy.

The Bedroom: A Den of Inequity

After surviving the gauntlet of inaccessibility, the traveler may find themselves seeking refuge in the sanctuary of the bedroom. Alas, here too, they are met with exclusion and disregard. Beds are raised on impossibly high platforms, their soft, inviting surfaces hovering tantalizingly out of reach, while the surrounding furniture is arranged in such a manner as to create a veritable obstacle course of impediments and obstructions.As they survey this landscape of frustration and despair, they may find themselves pondering the purpose of such maddening design choices. Who, they may wonder, benefits from these seemingly arbitrary decisions, which serve only to alienate and exclude?

Conclusion: A Call to Action

As we emerge, battle-scarred and weary, from this journey through the inaccessible landscape of hotel design, we must ask ourselves: how can we, as a society, continue to tolerate such flagrant disregard for the needs and requirements of our fellow human beings?The solution is clear: a radical reimagining of the principles that underpin our approach to the built environment, with a focus on inclusivity and adaptability. By prioritizing accessibility and incorporating the needs of all users into the design process, we can create spaces that are not only functional and efficient, but also welcoming and inclusive.So let us cast off the shackles of outdated design and embrace a new era of accessibility – not only in hotels but in all public spaces. For in this brave new world, every doorway will be an open invitation, every stairway a pathway to progress, and every bathroom a bastion of equality and freedom.
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