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Labor Board Decisions on Union Elections: Implications for Hoteliers

submitted on 14 October 2023 by


It has come to my attention that union elections are a hot topic in the realm of hotel management these days. I, Henry Beard, have decided to put on my investigative journalist hat and delve deep into the wild world of labor board decisions. After countless cups of stale coffee and poring over legal documents that would put a sloth into a coma, I have emerged victorious and ready to share my findings. What follows is a guide to understanding the implications of labor board decisions for hoteliers, a topic as thrilling and exhilarating as a ride on a Ferris wheel moving at a snail's pace.

Do Labor Board Decisions Impact Union Elections?

Oh, how they do! In the same way that a single drop of water can cause a tsunami (except not really), labor board decisions can have significant implications for union elections. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is an omnipotent entity, watching over the labor landscape with the unwavering gaze of a hawk. It is responsible for playing referee in employment disputes and enforcing labor laws – thrilling, I know.Now, the NLRB has a penchant for flexing its muscles and making decisions that can change the course of union elections. As a hotelier, it is important to stay abreast of these developments, lest you find yourself swept away in the tide of labor board rulings with nary a flotation device to save you.

The "Ambush Election" Rule

One such development that has sent shockwaves through the hotel industry is the "ambush election" rule. Contrary to what the name suggests, it does not involve hotel employees jumping out from behind potted plants to catch their bosses off guard. Instead, this rule, which was enacted in 2015, shortens the time between the filing of a union petition and an election.The result? Hoteliers have less time to prepare for union elections. Like a cheetah chasing its prey, the process moves quickly, and it's important for hoteliers to be light on their feet. Some advice for navigating this particular labor board obstacle course:
  • Have a plan of action in place for when a union election is called
  • Stay informed about your employees' concerns to maintain a positive working environment
  • Consider retaining the services of a labor law expert, in case you need to call in reinforcements

Joint-Employer Standard

Next up on our thrilling journey through the labor board decisions is the joint-employer standard. In this enthralling legislative plot twist, the NLRB decided that two or more companies could be considered "joint employers" and share responsibility for labor law violations and collective bargaining. This decision has the potential to impact hoteliers who use subcontractors, staffing agencies, or franchising arrangements.Imagine you're a hotelier who has decided to hire a staffing agency to provide temporary employees. The joint-employer standard means that you and the staffing agency could both be held accountable for any labor law violations that occur. This decision makes it all the more important for hoteliers to be selective in their business partnerships and to ensure that they are aligned with responsible, law-abiding companies.

The NLRB's Penchant for Reversals

Just when you think you have a handle on labor board decisions, the NLRB throws a curveball and reverses one of its previous rulings. The board has been known to change its stance more frequently than a chameleon changes colors, which makes it all the more important for hoteliers to stay informed about the latest developments.For example, the NLRB recently changed its tune regarding employee handbooks. Previously, the board maintained that any policies that could be "reasonably construed" as interfering with employees' rights to engage in protected activities were unlawful. However, in a thrilling plot twist, the NLRB has now adopted a more employer-friendly standard, stipulating that policies are only unlawful if they directly interfere with employees' rights.This reversal may seem like a small detail in the grand scheme of labor board decisions, but it can have significant implications for hoteliers. It's crucial to stay up-to-date on these developments to ensure that your hotel's policies are in compliance with the latest NLRB rulings.


As our whirlwind tour of labor board decisions and their implications for hoteliers draws to a close, I hope that you have gained some valuable insights into this thrilling aspect of hotel management. Remember, the NLRB is always watching, and it's important to stay informed about the latest developments in labor law – lest you find yourself lost at sea in a boat made of legal documents and stale coffee.
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