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Hotels and Social Media: A Marketing Evolution

submitted on 12 July 2023 by

The Social Media Revolution in the Hospitality Industry

Once upon a time, in a world not so long ago, hotels relied on the trusty brochure, the timely ad in the local newspaper or the billboard on the side of the highway to reach their potential clientele. The very thought of such quaint methods seems almost laughable in today's digital age, where hotels must rise to the challenge of harnessing the power of social media. The revolution in the hospitality industry has led to a landscape dominated by Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more, providing a cornucopia of opportunities for hotels to burnish their image, attract guests and ultimately sell some rooms.

Hashtags and High Stakes

As our dear hoteliers navigate the perilous waters of social media, they must be swift to adopt the myriad tools available to them. The humble hashtag has transformed from a simple symbol on a telephone keypad to a vital component of modern marketing. Hotels that use hashtags strategically can experience a torrent of praise, or, if not wielded with skill, a deluge of criticism.

This new era of marketing not only demands a certain level of ingenuity, but also a keen understanding of the various platforms. Facebook, Twitter, and the like each possess their unique idiosyncrasies, and hotels must adapt their messaging to suit. A picture may speak a thousand words, but will it receive a thousand likes on Facebook? A well-crafted tweet may capture the essence of a hotel, but will it inspire a legion of retweets and followers? These are the questions that haunt the sleepless nights of hotel marketers everywhere.

Engaging With the Tech-Savvy Traveller

The fact of the matter is that modern travellers, with their smartphones permanently attached to their hands, are a truly demanding bunch. Gone are the days when the weary traveller would blindly stumble upon a hotel and quickly make a reservation. These tech-savvy individuals now rely on online reviews, social media posts and digital advertising to make their decision. A hotel must not only be present on these platforms but also excel at engaging with their audience.

  • Responding to reviews, positive and negative, helps build trust and credibility.
  • Sharing images and videos of hotel facilities and events creates a sense of excitement and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) among the audience.
  • Creating content that informs, entertains and engages the audience is key to maintaining their attention and securing those precious bookings.

The Perils of the Keyboard Warrior

In the age of the internet, everyone is a critic. An unhappy guest has the power to broadcast their dissatisfaction to the entire world with just a few taps on their smartphone. The keyboard warrior is a formidable foe, capable of wreaking havoc on a hotel's reputation. But fear not, for there are ways to disarm this adversary.

Firstly, never engage in a war of words. Responding to negative reviews with professionalism and empathy demonstrates that the hotel values their guests' feedback and is committed to improvement. Secondly, encourage satisfied guests to share their experiences on social media. A plethora of positive reviews can help drown out the occasional irate rant.

Let's Get Visual!

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video must surely be worth a million. Platforms such as Instagram and TikTok are tailor-made for visual storytelling, providing hotels with the perfect opportunity to showcase their facilities, staff and unique experiences. However, it's not enough to merely post pretty pictures and catchy videos. Hotels must create a cohesive and consistent visual identity that reflects their brand values and appeals to their target audience.

To achieve this, hotels should consider investing in professional photography and videography, as well as developing a clear social media strategy. By consistently posting high-quality content that engages and delights their audience, hotels can build a loyal following and ultimately drive bookings.

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Lastly, let us not forget that social media is, above all, a source of entertainment. Hotels should not be afraid to inject a little humour and personality into their posts. The occasional meme, GIF or behind-the-scenes shenanigan can make a hotel more relatable and endearing to potential guests.

However, tread carefully, for there is a fine line between charming and cringeworthy. Striking the right balance between informative and entertaining content can be challenging, but with a little creativity, hotels can successfully navigate the world of social media.

In conclusion, the evolution of hotel marketing is both thrilling and terrifying in equal measure. Hotels that embrace the power of social media, engage with their audience and create compelling content can reap the rewards of this brave new world. On the other hand, those that fail to adapt risk being left behind, clutching their outdated brochures and wondering where all the guests have gone. Choose wisely, dear hoteliers, for the future of your business lies in your digital hands.
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